Gifts of Stocks & Marketable Securities
There are several benefits to contributing appreciated securities to the SOU Foundation. Elevate your impact by choosing the most economical path to giving and play a pivotal role in shaping a future of educational excellence.
- Tax Efficiency: Donating appreciated stocks to the SOU Foundation can offer significant tax advantages. By contributing securities held for more than one year, you may be eligible for a charitable deduction based on the current market value, while also avoiding capital gains taxes that would be incurred if the stocks were sold.
- Maximized Impact: Your donation of stocks has the potential to make a larger impact compared to a cash donation of the same value. The appreciated value of the securities contributes more to the university’s mission and initiatives, allowing you to support academic excellence and innovation in a substantial way.
- Strategic Philanthropy: Giving stocks provides an opportunity for strategic philanthropy. It allows you to align your financial resources with your philanthropic goals, creating a meaningful legacy and contributing to the long-term success of Southern Oregon University.
To seamlessly navigate this process, inform your banker or broker for personalized assistance and further insights.
Qualified Charitable Distribution
A Qualified Charitable Distribution (or IRA Charitable Rollover):
- Distributions are not treated as income for federal income tax purposes; and no charitable deduction may be taken.
- Distributions may qualify for all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD) from an IRA; the funds must be withdrawn from your IRA by your RMD deadline, generally December 31
- You can transfer up to $105,000 per year.
- By lowering your adjusted gross income, you can avoid taxable income—which may allow you to avoid moving into a higher tax bracket.
- You can fulfill a charitable pledge—past or present.
- You will create a legacy at Southern Oregon University.
Donor Impact Stories
Love for Theatre Leads to Scholarship
Shared passion is often one value that holds a couple together—and Linda Hammer-Brown and David Brown are no exception to this truism. Their collective passion for the arts and a strong devotion to service have translated into a philanthropic commitment to SOU’s theatre program.
Gift Establishes Library Scholarship
Dale’s profound experiences at SOU, marked by a sense of belonging and support, fueled his passion for teaching and research, leading to the establishment of the Dale Vidmar Scholarship Fund—a testament to his commitment to nurturing future generations and alleviating financial barriers for students.
Contact Us
Where can I get more information?
Please contact the Office of Development to discuss further your charitable intent. We can provide a personalized document to share with your attorney. Communication with the staff is always confidential and never infers an obligation.