Support SOU Football by Donating Today!
For our 2025 Gear ‘Em Up fundraiser, Raiders Football is organized into eight distinct Fundraising Teams. Please select the team of the player you are recognizing with your support today. Thank you!
Can’t find the name of the athlete you are looking to recognize with your gift? You can also use the form below and simply include the athlete’s name in the comment.
SOU Giving | SOU Homepage | SOU Raiders Homepage
Your secure online gift is processed by the Southern Oregon University Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that is the preferred channel for all private contributions that benefit students and faculty at Southern Oregon University.
SOU Office of Development – Plunkett Center, 1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520 | Phone: 541.552.6127 | Email: